Good game with some major flaws.

User Rating: 8 | NHL 08 X360
Well I picked up NHL 08 much later then most. I buy an NHL game every year, and for the last few I have picked up 2k. Last year when I owned NHL 2k7 I played several seasons so I decided to try NHL 07, and I was not impressed with the game at all. I felt that the AI was just terrible, not to mention the controls where very "glitchy".

Now once again I played several seasons of NHL 2k8 and enjoy the game play a lot. With that said NHL 2k8 has some serious GM logic flaws, so after reading up on NHL 08 I decided to give EA another shot.

Well I have played a season + now, and I am ready to write my review.

Graphics: 10/10

Excellent visuals from gameplay, animations, cut scenes, etc.

This game just looks good at all levels, reflections are amazing as well. Best looking hockey game on the market.

Sound: 8/10

Great hockey sounds, from the crowd, to the players on the ice. Players talk to each other, which is very helpful to set up plays. With that said I still think that the crowd could fit the mood a little better sometimes. I also do not like the announcers, but that is more a personal preference.

Gameplay: 8/10

With some major improvements on both the skill stick, and the AI the gameplay is fantastic. The AI learns with you so it makes your gameplan dynamic. If you always dump the puck in the Defense will learn to stay back, if you always try to feed the slot they will block it, etc. Gives you a great hockey experince.

The skill stick has been refined and the movements are smooth, and it really gives you a great feeling to pull off a great move.

There are certain areas though where the gameplay suffers. In fact the only issue I have with the game is "catch up logic"

Even though EA says that this is not part of the game, as far as I am concerned this is a blatant lie.

Catch up Logic is basically the computer scores when they want to , and there is almost nothing you cna do about it, this usually happens near the end of the game.

Alright I have had this happen 8 times durning the regular season wheter to tie me or beat me i nthe final minute of play.

I could have been controlling the game, playing excellent defense, and as soon as the computer gets the puck they take a weak wrister whe nthey touch it from the blueline or farther. No screen, No Deflection, it just goes in. Now the only time I have ever had this goal go in on me is during the final minutes of play, and when it mattered.

Now maybe they didn't mean to add catch up logic, perhaps they screwed up the good. Maybe they just wanted the goalies to get shakey near the end of the game, or for star players to shine. Either way we have a serious problem that should be addressed.

By the way even if you try holding on the the puck, if they want to score they will get the puck, you can't hit them, trip them or anything. In fact the ywill steal the puck from you even if they arn't near you. I have watched this several times near the end of the game they try to poke check they are not even close to me, and all of a sudden the puck goes flying off my stick to one of there players and then they get that wrister from the point.

So either they have mind control, or there is indeed catch up logic?

Another major flaw is the new Goalie system. You can play as a goalie from a close up 3rd person view. Now this is fun, however there are major flaws. I tried starting a season only playing as a goalie, and after about 15 games I decided it wasn't worth continuing.

During this time I had 7 glitch goals scored against me, now this is back to AI catch up logic. Like I said when they want to score they will. This is even worse whe nyour the goalie.

I had 3 goals literrly go under my net, like from behind the net they just slide it in, not around UNDER. Strangest thing I ever ever seen. also 4 that were really weak from point that just completly missed my goalie, like I was in perfect position, and somehow they just go through him.

Now even without hte AI catch up logic, playing as a goalie is no easy task. the second your out of position the AI light goes off and they will shoot from anywhere past the half way zone and place the puck perfectly.

Hopefully these issues will be resolved for next year, other then that I would say

-Great Graphics
-Good hockey experince besides catch up logic
-Good audio
-Passable GM logic (Fairly bad, but better then 2k8)

Final Word: If you are ready to have an overall good hockey experince with a few games of total fruastration, this is the game for you. If you have an anger issue, not recommended.