The fact that NFL Street 2 is such a deficient game on almost all fronts, it's hardly recommendable to any football fan.

User Rating: 4.2 | NFL Street 2 GC
Hardcore street sports have usually been a success because they turn around the gameplay found in realistic sport games like Madden. For example, NFL Blitz was a big franchise and somehow got some attention to many gamers...and most of them weren't even into sports at all. Also, about a year ago, EA Sports Big tried to enter their little hardcore sports "world" with NFL Street, and it proved to be an above average game. Now the second game in the NFL Street franchise is out, but to make it short and sweet, there's nearly absolutely nothing going for NFL Street 2. NFL Street 2 is largely indistinguishable from the original NFL Street. You still pretty much got the same modes that haven't changed vastly at all. Some of these examples are the "NFL Challenge", and the "Pickup Game", both of which have the same counterparts as the original game, only in a more worse format. The modes are surprisingly very difficult, and take a very long time to actually master. The A.I. in the game seems to sometimes alter their plays a bit. At times, they can somehow read your plays and be able to attack before you get the chance to even throw the ball. They also seem to know your patterns very well the first time, which makes it progressively difficult to even get the ball in the air. Even at that, the offensive A.I. really shows the difficulty. They somehow go more fast-paced than you, and seem to catch the ball a LOT better. They also seem to outrun you a bit quicker than normal, as well. It's unbelievable how a game can really be such a difficult task to play. The A.I. really shows it's "powers" in the new mode, "Own The City". There's not much here to actually really do, just create your player and head out and try to own the city, hence the name. Suffering from the difficult A.I. is hard enough, and you'll find out how very, very tedious NFL Street 2 can really get. The game's graphics is, well the really only good thing, but it's mediocre at best. They do look very pretty and polished, but the background's don't look as nice as they could be. It just seems as if all the building's are crunched up together, and same textures are also used over and over again. NFL Street 2's sound is lurid. You got tedious hard rock, metal, and rap all combined into one game. Not only that, but the looping effects in the game will surely get annoying to you, almost immediately. The ambient sounds will definitely get annoying, and hearing the same ambient sounds about 20 times in 5 minutes will surely disturb you. The sound is just...disastrous. It's little replay value here. Not very much to unlock after your hard tasks of completing the game. There are a few other modes like a mini-game mode, but none of them have lasting value to be playing for a while. The mini-games aren't fun at all. They are just drudging and useless modes that isn't worth your time of play. NFL Street 2 is such a lackluster and broken game it's very hard to recommend to even the most hardcore football fan. The pretty graphics are a nice touch, but that doesn't hold up NFL Street 2 from going below average. The incredibly difficult A.I. is hard to get past, and it feels just as hard as sitting on a jagged rock. There's really no point in even renting the game, simply because it's a waste of time. If you're looking for a football game to try out, stick with the realistic side such as Madden and ESPN NFL. NFL Street 2 frustrate you, and it won't be an enjoyable experience.