This game is best played when you have someone to play with, fast paced game

User Rating: 8.8 | NFL Blitz PS
This game is really fun and if you have a PS1 then you should get it.

The gameplay on this game is great. It's unlike any other football game around. In Blitz there are almost no rules at all. There arn't even any penalties at all! It's really fun to just get away from all those football sims like the Madden and NCAA Football series. This is almost a whole nother sport. You can tackle after the person gets tackled which is really really fun. My favorite part about this game was the 2 player. It was really fun and was very intense and very fast paced which I thought was great. You are almost always still playing with a close game till the end. It's great fun.

The graphics on this game are pretty good but not the best. The players don't look to good at all and look like they are triangles. Same with the ball. But I guess thats what all PS1 games look like...

The sound on this game is also pretty good. There is a lot of skipping though and sometimes the players grunts and stuff are off but overall its good. When the players grunts are on, which is almost all of the time, it is great.

Overall, if you have a PS1 and are looking for a great game for it, then go get this right now. Try it with someone else also. It's great!