Rainbow six in space

User Rating: 8.6 | Nexus: The Jupiter Incident PC
A bit of mismatch of genres in my title but you get the idea. This is Homeworld with tactics; note I said tactics not strategy. Homeworld was all about accruing a large enough fleet to do a bum rush or near the end a "Oh my God, there’s enough ships to blot out the obscenely large supernova background" rush. In this game you will rarely have more than five ships so you make them count. If you like planning things perfectly and chuckling while your enemies’ klaxons blare in distress then this is the game for your Machiavellian heart. I personally like it but I understand how some will not especially with its learning curve as to the best load out for your ships. The story is somewhat odd, but I can not decide if it is due to translation or just plain oddness. The stealth missions I could have done without, it is odd to play hide and go seek with a kilometer long ship. The game looks great, you may need a higher end machine though.