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Xbox One listed at EB Games Australia for A$899

Australian retailer EB Games lists Xbox One console for preorder at A$899; recommended retail price yet to be announced by Microsoft.

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Only hours ago, Microsoft unveiled the Xbox One at a live event hosted in Redmond, Washington. Although an official price has yet to be announced for the console, Australian retailer EB Games has listed it on its website at a placeholder price of A$899.

Xbox One wireless controllers are also listed on the page for preorder at A$99.

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The Xbox One was unveiled at Microsoft's media briefing earlier today. The console is scheduled to launch within the year alongside the PlayStation 4.

This would not be the first time EB Games has estimated the launch RRP of a next-generation console, with the PlayStation 4 receiving similar treatment following it's unveiling.

To keep up with the latest news on Microsoft's next-gen console, check GameSpot's Xbox One hub.

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