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Yasumi Matsuno and Level-5 team up for Guild 01

Four games contained inside 3DS title; Suda 51 and Yoot Saito contributing to project.


A few months ago, game publisher Level-5 mentioned that renowned developer Yasumi Matsuno had joined the company and would be making a new game. Recent news on the latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu (via Andriasang) revealed that this new game will be called Guild 01 for the Nintendo 3DS. Furthermore, the game will also have a few other well-known developers on board: Grasshopper Manufacture's Goichi "Suda 51" Suda and Vivarium's Yoot Saito (Seaman, The Tower).

The game's official logo.
The game's official logo.

Guild 01 will include four different games of different genres individually created by the aforementioned developers. The first game is called Rental Bukiya de Omasse, a role-playing game developed by Yoshiyuki Hirai, who is a member of the Japanese comedy group America Zarigani. Gamers take control of a weapon shop owner who has to rent out and sell crafted armaments to RPG adventurers. Players will also have to make use of the "donai natter," a communication device that tracks the exploits of the adventurers from afar and the items they rent from the player's store.

The next game is a 3D shooter called Kaiho Shojo, where players control a "liberation machine" robot--piloted by a female president of "New Japan" called President Shoko--tasked with destroying demons and beasts. Gamers will need to control the robot using touch-screen controls. This part of the game is developed by Suda 51 and will feature animation from anime studio Bones.

Yoot Saito will be developing a game called Air Porter, which is billed as an "airport luggage management simulator." Here, gamers control an airport manager who has to handle other people's baggage that passes through security and into the designated flights. Players earn points by getting the luggage onto the planes on time. Successfully managing bag transport will expand the size of the airport.

Finally, Matsuno will be developing an RPG called Crimson Shroud. Players control a chaser, which is a type of person who is skilled at tracking people. The game's story takes place in a dark fantasy setting where magic does not exist. Former Square Enix artist Hideo Minaba will be working alongside Matsuno in creating the game's artwork.

The game will be out in Japan in 2012. An English version of the game has yet to be confirmed.

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