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Tokyo Game Show won't be curtailed by quake

Organizers reportedly confirm expo will run as planned from September 15 to 18; Makuhari Messe suffered slight damage in disaster.


The earthquake and subsequent tsunami that rocked Japan last month had many aftershocks, both literal and figurative. One potential aftereffect of the tragedy--and ongoing nuclear crisis--was the cancelation or shortening of the Tokyo Game Show.

The show must go on.
The show must go on.

Today, fears that TGS 11 might be curtailed in some way were put to rest. In an announcement translated by gaming blog Andria Sang, the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association, which organizes the event, said it will go ahead as scheduled. The expo is currently slated to run from Thursday, September 15 to Sunday, September 18.

TGS is the biggest game expo in Asia, attracting over 200,000 people last year, and it is traditionally held at the massive Makuhari Messe right outside Tokyo. The sprawling convention center reportedly suffered some damage as a result of the 9.0-magnitude quake, the largest since Japan began keeping records. However, repairs are apparently already underway.

For more on last year's TGS, check out GameSpot's 2010 Tokyo Game Show event page.

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