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The iPhone gets a controller - The GameBone Pro

To heck with touchscreens!


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The iPhone and iPod Touch made a huge splash in the gaming world, but a touch screen and tilt functionality take you only so far. An outfit from Australia called 22moo decided to remedy the matter with an external controller called the GameBone Pro. The company doesn't have a price point yet, but they aim to have the controller out by September this year.

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The GameBone Pro comes with a D-pad, four buttons in a cross configuration, and two shoulder buttons. A 2000mAh battery powers the device, and Bluetooth and a 30-pin dock act to connect the controller to the iPhone. A built-in speaker plays back sounds and a mic records audio. An additional 3.5'' jack allows audio to play through headphones.

If one company is making an iPhone controller, there are likely others in the wings. Which brings us to the issue of controller standards. The Wii has its Remote, the PS3 its DualShock. Anybody making a controller for either of those consoles has to at least incorporate the standard button scheme. The iPhone has no such template. Who knows how many different kinds of designs we'll see.

Buttons and a D-pad would be an amazing addition to the iPhone. However, the bulk an external controller adds also poses a concern. Would you stuff a controller into your pocket alongside an iPhone or iPod Touch?

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