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Hudson chasing Wii profits

Konami-owned company plans to boost profits fourfold by focusing on games for the Nintendo console.


Bomberman maker Hudson Soft is planning to release eight titles for the Wii during 2008, reports Bloomberg.

The Japanese company is estimating an annual operating profit of ¥10 billion ($97 million) by the end of March 2011. This year, Hudson Soft is intending to pay a dividend--the first in five years--for the year ending March 31.

The key to boosting profits, the company believes, is to focus on making games for Nintendo's Wii--and by doing this Hudson is hoping to quadruple profits within three years.

During the financial year ending March 31, operating profit rose 53 percent to ¥2.7 billion ($26 million)--¥700 million ($6.8 million) over the estimated ¥2 billion, due to better-than-expected sales of software for the Nintendo DS and Wii.

Michihiro Ishizuka--currently Hudson's vice president, and set to replace Hidetoshi Endo as president in June--said, "Two years from now will be the time when game software developers' profits are expected to grow the most, after the winner and loser for consoles becomes clear. I will ensure earnings jump in the next three years by promoting licensing of our games and increasing spending on promotions."

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