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Leipzig supersizes for 2007

This year's Games Convention will see a bigger area and trade fair, along with more exhibitors signed up for the event.


It appears that game-related events, with the possible exception of the downsized, invitation-only E3, will be growing bigger this year--the Tokyo Game Show recently announced that it would be adding an extra business day to its schedule for 2007.

The Leipzig Games Convention looks set to follow suit. This year there will be 390 exhibitors, including "all the industry's leading companies," up from 368 last year. The size of the trade fair is expected to be almost a third bigger than in 2006, at around 115,000 square metres. There will also be an outdoor area display and event space for the first time.

The opening hours have changed from last year--exhibition halls will be open on August 23 and August 26 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on August 24 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Leipzig Game Convention Developer's Conference directly precedes the Game Convention itself, and will take place this year between August 20-22.

The Leipziger Messe's managing director, Josef Rahmen, commented, "The GC has grown steadily in recent years, both in its area and in exhibitor and visitor numbers. The current level of trade visitor and exhibitor registrations confirms our assumption that we will achieve considerable increases again at the next fair. We have responded to this with a change in our hall concept."

There will also be a concert of video game music from popular titles including StarCraft, Final Fantasy IX, the Metal Gear Solid series, and Ragnarok 2, along with "popular classics." The concert, which starts at 8 p.m. on August 22 in the Gewandhaus, will also feature appearances by Japanese opera star Izumi Masuda and singer Conny Kollet.

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