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Symphony of the Night tunes up on 360

Konami's original PlayStation Castlevania game heading for Xbox Live Arcade; nearly complete version shown at CES.


When Konami released Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on the PlayStation 10 years ago, it was a resurrection of sorts for the undead franchise. By incorporating gameplay elements from Nintendo's Metroid series of games, Symphony of the Night established a template for 2D Castlevania entries that has endured through multiple installments on the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS.

Now the publisher is bringing that formula back to the realm of the living (room). Konami is showing off Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for the Xbox Live Arcade at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. As with most older games brought to Xbox Live Arcade, Symphony of the Night won't be a mere port. Konami has said the game will feature enhanced graphics and sound, widescreen support, achievements, and leaderboards. Players will be able to choose between the original graphics or enhanced visuals that mitigate sprite pixilation when the game is played in high-definition.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is expected to release on Xbox Live Arcade later this year. For more on the game, check out GameSpot's hands-on impressions from the CES show floor.

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