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European Game Developers Federation founded

New trade body set up to "advance the political and economic interests" of Europe's gaming industry.


Game developers within Europe are being invited to join a new trade organisation. The newly formed European Game Developers Federation will represent some 500 studios based across Austria, Belgium, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and the Nordic countries, with the goal of promoting and supporting the gaming industry.

The EGDF is essentially a collaboration of a several smaller trade associations--Tiga (UK), APOM (France), GAME (Germany and Austria), Benelux' BGIn (Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands), Spelplan-ASDG (Sweden), Finnish Neogames (Finland), and Producentforeningen (Denmark). Chairman Fred Hasson wrote in a statement that although a growing number of countries are recognising the importance of games as both a cultural medium and a successful economic sector, rapid globalisation means that there are still tough challenges ahead.

"The EGDF members believe Europe needs to respond swiftly to remain in the race, in particular promoting the creation of new intellectual property, updating workforce skills, and backing technological research and development," said Hasson.

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