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ViOS and WarCry announce 3D Internet project

The development companies reveal plans to build a massive gaming community in an online 3D landscape.


WarCry and ViOS Inc. have announced an agreement to build a massive interactive gaming community in the ViOS 3D Internet landscape. WarCry will lease more than 2000 sites in the landscape to different game companies. Visitors to the new community will be able to shop, find information about games, trade tips, and even download free games in a 3D environment.

ViOS intends to create a visual Internet interface that will comprise a virtual world filled with 3D depictions of Web sites. Businesses will be able to lease different locations in order to be near high-traffic areas, near competitors, or grouped with other companies that offer related products or services.

For more information about the project, visit the official WarCry Web site.

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