One of the best DS games ever The best 2-D Mario platformer since Super Mario Advance 3

User Rating: 9.1 | New Super Mario Bros. DS
New Super Mario Bros. is a 2-D platformer for the Nintendo DS. It is a mix of many of the Mario games over the years. And it works perfectly. It is the perfect mix of Super Mario 64, Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros.

THE GOOD- New Super Mario Bros. does not really take full use of the touch screen but that is not always a bad thing. The game works pefectly with the A,B,X and Y buttons. Giving this game the best control of any DS game yet. The gameplay is just like Super Mario Bros. Platforming, jumping across ledges, collecting power-ups. But it is still very fun. With the new power-ups sprinkled here and there. The game is a VERY fun game. And like I said before, it is the perfect blend of the old Mario games.

THE BAD-The mini-games are almost identical to those of Super Mario 64 DS. With only a few new mini-games they arn't all that interesting. Also, without online, the Mario vs. Luigi mode is just useless. A strange about the game is you could finish a level and then all of a sudden you'll do the next level and say to your self was that shorter than the other? You'll realize that some levels are about half the length of some of the others.

Overall, New Super Mario Bros. is a DS masterpiece.