New Super Mario bros. is an overall fun game addition, new features, levels could have been ordered differently.

User Rating: 8 | New Super Mario Bros. DS
Well, looks like I'll have to write this all over again, seeing as I got an error for some reason I can't fathom. (Err)

Well, I'll try not to let that effect the quality of this review, so let's hop in once again.

If I could explain Super Mario Bros. in a word, well, I couldn't. New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS is just where it needs to be in terms of gameplay, graphics quality, style and controls. I'll start off first by saying that this game looks, feels and is an overall good quality game. What more can I say? Sometimes it felt though, like I was going through a whole mesh of levels, this could have easily been avoided by placing the levels in a different order, or at least feels like it to me.

This game felt like the old games, but in a very small way, and it certainly did not get in the way of the enjoyabilty of the game. (If anything, added to it) This amazingly fun, immersive side-scrolling platformer was a fun pick up and play game jam packed with mini games, and I especially enjoyed the card games. What would have been fun (to me, atleast) was if they had actually made it so that you had to unlock all the mini games, and I think it definately would have created a better drive for me to actually complete the game past the first few levels.

The coin collecting was very fun, (I love the aspect of trying and collecting things in games) though something really bit me in the butt after my brother had completed the game. I realized that if you spend all your coins on the little mini-levels, you wouldn't have enough coins to unlock the wallpapers that went on your bottom screen at the end of the game. (el gasp!) I love unlocking things, so it was a let down that me and my brother were not informed.

This game is a very amazingly fun, wild addition to the mario collection of game titles. A much needed sequel to some of the older games, technology and graphics enhance the adventure in a way you would have never thought as simply possible.

Until next time, this is Brodie signing out, come back next week when I plan on reviewing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii and Gamecube, this game is my all time favourite game for the Wii. So far. (Die hard Zelda fan here.) See you all next time!