Surpisingly, this game manages to recapture the amazingly addictive and engaging gameplay of the old NES Classic.

User Rating: 10 | New Super Mario Bros. Wii WII
Too begin this review, let me say that as soon as I heard about this game i just KNEW I was going to love it. What makes this game so good is that Nintendo has finally returned to its old, classic Super Mario Bros. formular. This is the first 2D Mario Platformer (I forgot the DS version, woops) since Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins in 1992. ( A Gameboy game) These games are known to be highly addictive with supreme replayablitiy and lasting-appeal. To this day I still play the old Super Mario Bros, finding it has hard and fun as I did years ago.

So turning on this game for the first time, I was filled with nerves and excitement, not quite knowing what to expect. If my calculations are correct, it has been 19 years since the previous game and I was praying Nintendo got it right. And they did, as old fans will undoubtly notice within their first few seconds of the first level. The game stays completely true to its old formular yet adds a whole new exciting feeling to it. The game remains simple, yet its highly endadging and highly addictive. A beginer would tackle each level slowly and carefully but an expert would focus on darting through the level has fast and as skillful as possible, and that is where the replayablity comes in. No matter how many times you play this game, you'll find there's still room for improvement. Know this, in many parts of the game the difficulty depends on how you play it. If you play it like a beginier, then you'll find it fairly easy, if you play it like a pro you'll find it hard. Thats where much of the fun comes in, mastering the level.

There's not much else to say about this game. I could talk about the graphics, but for a game like this, I don't think it really matters. Or even about the multiplayer! Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to try it. My point is this game recreates the undescrible classic super mario brothers, and its just as fun and addictive! Now my only hope is Nintendo makes more of these types of games...