New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a great 4-player game that is loads of fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | New Super Mario Bros. Wii WII
Mario has always been a classic household name, spawning an insane amount of great games. New Super Mario Bros. Wii, is nothing innovative, but boy, is it a blast to play.

The story has been the same for almost every Mario title. Princess Peach gets kidnapped, and Mario, for some reason, has to be the one to save her. This time, it's Peach's birthday, and the Koopa Kids hide in a giant cake, and jump out when Peach sees it. It's now up to Mario, Luigi, blue and yellow Toad to save her.

The controls are executed perfectly. You control Mario with the Wii remote sideways (because you wouldn't want to use the Wiimote + Nunchuck). Move him left and right with the directional pad, press 2 to jump, and 1 to run faster. On the ground, shake the remote to make Mario spin in the air. If you press 2 and then shake the remote, Mario does a little extra twirl to go the tiniest bit farther in the air (this will be used way more than you think).

Mario gets new suits in this one, while rehashing some old, but necessary ones from past games. These include mushrooms, fire flowers, tiny mushrooms (from New Super Mario Bros) and starmans. The new ones include the propeller suit, ice flower, and the penguin suit. To use the propeller, just shake the remote and Mario will shoot up into the air and gently float back down. The penguin suit is used a bit more creatively, though. Shoot iceballs with 1 and freeze enemies solid. If you're in an ice-themed level, press down on the d-pad to make Mario slide on the ground with his belly. You can also swim better underwater. Both of these suits are very nice additions.

YOSHI IS BACK. This lovable dinosaur plays just like Super Mario World, only he can now flutterjump. Press 1 to use its tongue in order to swallow enemies, or spit out Koopa shells at them. It's a shame that he is only played in select levels, unlike SMW, where you can take him anywhere.

But, the most important thing that makes this Mario game shine from every other one is the 4 player co-op. Terriific idea, Nintendo. I just LOVE to get thrown to my death by my friends. Seriously though, 4 player co-op is super fun, but don't take it seriously because the game doesn't call for that. The whole point is for 4 player to be fun and hectic, and it delivers on that.

All in all, this game is a must-have on your collection. With good graphics, amazing soundtracks, addictive 4 player, the amount of secrets to collect (Star Coins are obtained in each level) and a bonus world, New Super Mario Bros. Wii is well worth your money.