Refined platforming, creative levels, and a hectic multi-player mode makes this Mario adventure too fun to miss.

User Rating: 9 | New Super Mario Bros. Wii WII
Out of many many wonderful platformers to grace the Wii, Super Mario Bros. Wii is not just another Mario game, it's one of the best platformers the Nintendo console has to offer. This is yet another 2D Mario game, but that is in no way a bad fact, it usually mean we have a treat on our hands. Like its predecessors New Super Mario Bros., we see a refreshing take on 2D Mario platforming that delivers us yet another satisfying playing experience filled with all the fun we expect and a whole lot more.


What story? Princess Peach gets kidnapped again while inviting Mario, Luigi, and two Toads over for her birthday. The kidnappers are Bowser Jr. and the longly awaited Koopalings. But on closer inspection, reading deeper into the story and you'll see the tragic motherly yearning Bowser Jr. has for Peach. See Mario can also be a story of lost love. But wait there's also cake involved, and it's a lie.


The world-famous gameplay of Mario is what made the platforming genre and it continues to be redefined and perfected with every new iteration. This 2.5D platformer involves you traversing numerous creative and chaotic levels to reach the flag at the end. New Super Mario Bros. Wii reintroduces several new platforming abilities that were in New Super Mario Bros. like the triple jump, ground pound, slide, wall slide, and wall kick. This Wii version also introduces the ability to throw things like barrels, blocks, or even other people by shaking the Wiimote. With the many ninja-like skills Mario now possesses, the gameplay has gained a new level of depth that greatly enhances the platforming experience. Several new power-ups have also been added to the mix like: the Ice Flower, which allows you to freeze your enemies who then could be picked up and thrown; the Penguin Suit, which also allows you to freeze enemies and greatly increases your sliding and swimming abilities; and the Propeller Mushroom, which allows you to propel yourself like a drill into the air. Old veterans like the Super Mushroom, Starman, and the Mini Mushroom also make a return appearance. Controls that involve motion-sensing can be a bit off and unnecessary, but most of the time they seem to work well. What's more, NSMBW presents quite a high level of difficulty that increases as you progress through the game. These moments may even be challenging for some platforming veterans and a bit scary for newcomers. That's why the Super-Guide allows you to watch Luigi finish the level for you in case you need assistance. But the challenges you face are part of the jolly good fun that will come. The game starts of simple and familiar yet it'll repeatedly push you to your limits as your proceed to the epic boss battle at the end. Overall the gameplay plays like the old classics yet adds many new tricks that still keeps the game fresh and fun.


The area where New Super Mario Bros. Wii brightly shines is the incredibly fun and hectic multiplayer experience. This mode allows up to four player co-op in the main game and also lets you compete with each other in other modes. Sadly the versus mode in the DS version is not present, but everything else makes up for it and more. Multiplayer in a platformer may sound like an odd combination, but NSMBW pulls it off with magnificence. Up to four players are present on one screen and you may pick them up and sabotage them anyway you like. Players can also turn into bubbles and let whatever sucker's left out to finish the tricky parts without getting harmed, unless the bubble pops. Difficulty and fun and are also exponentially increased as more players join in. The massive amount of chaos that ensues just adds to greatness that is this game. Multiplayer will tick you off and multiplayer will make you laugh, these two are guaranteed. *Chuckles* Ha ha, yeah good times...


Throughout history Nintendo continuously presented gamers with enthralling games, and Mario has always met and exceeded this standard. One strong point this game offers is the smart level design that continues to add to the enjoyment of this entertaining title. Every level plays with a new gimmick or situation you have to work with to reach your goal. Several can be annoying and some can be greatly amusing. But the levels are always mixing it up with something new and refreshing. There's also plenty of hidden secrets to explore in the numerous levels you'll progress through. For the in a Mario games are always catchy and this one is no different. The background music sounds like very addicting upbeat polka, for the most part anyway, and you'll even see goombas and koopas dance along to the rhythm. This game feels extremely polished and complete with astounding attention to detail. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a game that will charm and appeal to everyone and provide many great laughable memories.


New Super Mario Bros. Wii is another fantastic addition to the Mario franchise reintroducing classic gameplay and mixing it up with some new elements. Critics may say that Mario's showing his repetitiveness, but I say nay. Mario's platformers continue to excel in their quality and outstanding design delivering gamers refreshing gameplay time and time again. Anyone new or old to the series should definitely give this title a spin, it's a reason to own the Wii. Whether it's serving up fun and mayhem in multiplayer or diving into the wonderland that is the Mushroom Kingdom, this game will not disappoint. New Super Mario Bros Wii. does justice to the Mario name and perfectly captures the essence of video games - fun.