Mario's glorious adventure on the WIi U!!!

User Rating: 9 | New Super Mario Bros. U WIIU
I really enjoyed the game...for starters the controls are great. The jumps and dash jumps feel precise. There's some new suits called the acorn suit and the ice flower suit. THey really come in handy....especially on the harder levels

The game features the usual level styles but each level provides a diffrent challenge. The mini bosses are usually a "KOOPA grunt" which are easy. The Castle boss fights are tough. Its always easier to win if u have a powered up suit because u can get hit twice before you die. The game encourages you to go back and collect extra lives and power ups. This really comes in handy on the last few stages.

The game features goombas, red and blue koopas, moles, spikey shelled turtles, Hammer bros...and annoying fire bros. This really is an epic game, i would go as far to say its the 2nd best mario game ive ever played(after Super Mario 64). So go out and get ya self a wii U and buy and beat this masterpiece.