A revolutionary masterpiece of its time. This game is a must play for any rpg fan. This game was ahead of its time.

User Rating: 10 | Daikoukai Jidai II SNES
I remember many long nights as a kid staying up till 2-4 AM playing this game. I spent a whole summer vacation playing nothing but this game. This is by far my favorite KOEI title, a second to this would be Aerobiz series. I have dreamed of a new version of this game to arise to this day. There is a Uncharted waters online in the works as we speak. Although, this is a classic and they will never be able to make it any greater then it was. I still play this game to this day.

You start out as one of six adventurous heroes, each with their own seperate path. A merchant seeking fortune, a young pirate or perhaps a Dutch explorer sailing the world in search of answers. You decide in this very open-ended adventure. This game is also educational. I learned alot of geography from this game, as it is acurate with its maps. As a matter of fact this is the first real open ended gameplay I ever experience , especially for the early 90's. This game was truly ahead of its time. A perfect 10!