Wonderful storyline, better gameplay. And, to top it off, as aesthetically appealing as you can ask. Don't miss it!

User Rating: 9.5 | Neverwinter Nights PC
As a long-time fan of the Baldur's Gate series, I was instantly critical of Neverwinter Nights when I first bought it. As I played through the first time, I kept looking for things that I didn't like, be it storyline, gameplay, graphics, bugged quests, or anything else. The trouble was, I coudn't find anything wrong with it.

The graphics were simply stunning, including everything from spell effects to cinematics to the subtle environment animations. The character animations are very smooth and intricate, and there is a good diversity of animations so that the player isn't watching his or her character make the same movements over and over. The environmental effects provide a beautiful landscape in which to play the game. Everything from the grass swaying in the wind to the reflections cast by the bodies of water to the sinister atmosphere of the underground dungeons make the game a beautiful place to play in.

The gameplay is also extremely smooth, and the learning curve isn't that high for both long-time DnDers and newcomers alike. The interactive action trees make it so there aren't a painful amount of menus to traverse through to find the action you want to take. Simply click your character, then the type of action or spell, then the action itself.

The storyline is equally entertaining, and doesn't disappoint those who are familiar with the DnD atmoshpere. Character backgrounds and motives are artfully described, as is your own. You will encounter several NPCs with whom you will develop lasting (or not) relationships, some of which will turn out much differently than you may think. With all the twists and turns offered by the main storyline, this game will keep you on your toes for hours.

Finally, the online play is something to behold. There are a vast number of servers in which you can start a character in, letting you either start from scratch or becoming instantly powerful. Several persistant worlds exist, where the action never stops. This allows a huge amount of replayability, as if the game itself didn't already do that.