The BEST D&D based video game

User Rating: 9 | Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark PC
Hordes of the underdark is the second expansion pack to the Neverwinter Nights series. It adds new epic level classes (levels 21-40) a ton of new items, and about 40 more hours of gameplay if you go straight through to beat it quickly with-out side quests, but much more if you do everything. The gameplay is second to none, its the best out there for the D&D genre. This is not your average hack and slash, its not a hack and slash at all if you don't want it to be. With the epic levels, your characters are insanely strong. Hold on a second, so are the enemys! You will have to use your brain and wits to figure out some dungeons, or you could be a barbarian and just hack at it, but even than there is strategy needed. This is for the serious RPGers, don't expect this to be button mashing like Baldurs gate Dark alliance. The graphics are the best for this type of game. It blows baldurs gate and icewind dale out of the water. If you PC can handle it, crank everything up to the highest setting and just cast a spell to see the lighting and effects. Enemies look much nicer as well as the players character too. Higher polygon counts on just about everything compared to the original, a solid improvement. The sound is alright. The ambience is appropriate, and really sets the mood of the game. Sound effects are pretty good with the chants of the wizards to the howl of a dire wolf. The sound is good enough that you don't notice it while your playing, it just blends in. Value is what is amazing with this game. You can play this game plenty of times as different classes and races becuase it truly is a different game as different characters, and there are so many quests its mind boggeling. If you do get bored of it, hop online and join a server, which are highly populated with nice communitys. There is not much lag online. A must buy for anyone who enjoys D&D or is interested in it. Not only for D&D fans, but for a large audience.