Hours of Entertainment!

User Rating: 9.5 | Neverwinter Nights PC
At first when I saw this game coming out, I was like great another D&D game. But I went and bought it, giving it a shot, hoping it wasnt as horrible as pool of raidance or however the horrble game is spelled. To my surprise this game was amazing, now Im not talking graphics wise, I am talking play wise. The campaign mode was interesting, but what really held my attention was multiplayer mode. Instead of like in the past when all those other joker games only let you play the same crap, just multiplayer, this game allowed you to log in and play on worlds people created with the building tools. Completely different stories, new worlds, new plots, everyday! It hooked me!

After all that, I finally decided to explore the other part of the game (yes folks there is another side to the game), The DM side. Where you can design your own campaign, and actually be a DM character controling the action. That alone sold if for me, as I spent a good part of my free time designing adventures for my late night friday gaming group.

Ofcourse overtime, the game got better and better due to the awesome people out there designing newer and newer things for this game, which blows the newer neverwinter nights 2 game out of the water!