An incredible game surrounded by a great community. Most technical problems present at launch have been patched/fixed.

User Rating: 9 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
If only this game had been given a couple of additional months to go through extensive QA, it would have floored reviewists and been much more successful than it was. Unfortunately, production companies are always short sighted and all too often rush things out the door.

Fortunately, Obsidian Entertainment provided continual support for an already great game through numerous updates. They fixed a number of technical problems, including camera adjustments, bugs, optimization issues, and even the finer detail like UI and class improvements. Obsidian also made several updates to the player toolset provided during game installation. The end result is a much greater overall experience and a fantastic community. There are a number of player created modules and hakpaks available, as well as improvements to game's AI engine.

So, with all of that out of the way, let's talk more about the game itself.

Neverwinter Nights 2 takes place in the Dungeon and Dragons universe, and as such, follows the 3.5 ruleset almost down to letter. If you've played games such as Baldur's Gate or even the much more recent Dragon Age: Origins then the combat system will feel very familiar. While some classes have an extensive toolset at their disposal, combat mostly consists of right clicking on an enemy and passively dealing damage. This may seem dull to the more modern gamer, but once you've got a full party of companions at your control, the reality is you'll find yourself doing a lot at any given time, especially on higher difficulty settings.

The story of NWN2 is where this game really shines, aided by some fantastic voice overs and interesting companions. Throughout you will learn of your character's heritage and why it's important, while traversing the world and perhaps fighting enemies that aren't really your enemies. With some interesting plot twists and immersive story telling, you'll always be looking for what's around the corner and wishing for more. Just as well, you will meet a number of characters, including the likes of an amusing dwarf who aspires to be a monk and will never pass up an opportunity for a good fist fight, a clever and somewhat demonic tiefling thief, a narcissist hates-the-world-and-everyone-in-it sorcerer, and many others that you will grow to love. There's a lot of interaction and back story thrown in here, and even some optional quest lines that give you further insight into your companions. However, if you just can't stand someone's guts, there's plenty of dialogue options for that too, and who knows, maybe that will have consequences on down the road.

What Obsidian has done is taken a well renowned IP and provided a game that will offer many hours of enthralling and deeply immersive entertainment. I could sit here for hours and write out countless reasons why any RPG fan shouldn't miss this game, but put simply, just play it! NWN2 is not only a spiritual successor that remains true to its roots, but it also proves that the guys over at Obsidian are a talented bunch who pour their hearts into their games.