Excellent storyline, sound, voice. Clumsy controls. Poor design. OK / Average graphics. Framerate stutters sometimes.

User Rating: 7 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
Excellent storyline, sound, voice. Clumsy controls. Poor design. OK / Average graphics.Framerate stutters sometimes. Overall a good gameplay reminding me of baldurs gate and KOTOR at the same time. Gameplay easy despite being in hardest difficulty, but the end part gets quite hard if not for game expoiting. Yes the last part was very hectic, so many things going on at the same time.

Another issue is the clumsy controls. You have to hold the right click so that you can broadcast commands. Not Intuitive since it further hampers fluid gameplay and makes a slow game slower. You can't select your party on the main screen and have to click on their portait each time which is another "oh my god this is pathetic" situation. You can't select all so that you can focus fire, but have to do it one by one, clicking on all the portraits. So micro is not easy here, but it seems enemies die so easily, except in the last part.

The interface looks really bad. Almost like it was designed by a 3 year old kid. The chat interface again has tiny text making you struggle to read, except on the full screen interaction which had large text.