I wanted to love this game...but Obsidian prevented that from happening.

User Rating: 5.8 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
Well...I absolutely hate to do this. I wanted this to be "the game" for me for months to come...but Atari/Obsidian managed to take a wondeful formula (NWN) and swirl in a healthy dose of corporate ineptitude and utterly ruin it.

First the good: It's got the Neverwinter Nights Eye on the box..=(

The Bad: Where to start....ok ..patching. Horrible...Obsidian breaks their patch for both D2D and box buyers on day 1. Day 1 folks....unbelievable. Then they promise to have it fixed in a few hours and 2 days go by with no communication, no patch..and growing problems for players who can patch..(almost all of em). Yes you can "play" the unpatched version, but it's like trying to run a marathon with Wilford Brimley tied to your feet...you just don't make much headway. There are many show stopping bugs too. Not sure if they could be fixed by the patch because hey...we can't get the darn patch to work at all....

Ok second Bad: No AA....none..nada...zip zilch. What in the world were they thinking? This is 2006...not 1996...it's NOT ok to release a game with no AA support hardware or application wise. No HDR support. you have got to be kidding me. Oh you can turn it on..but it's broken...it no worky...it broke...Coach Jones help me!!! I have seen free downloadable games on the web that have both AA and HDR support. This is just plain shamefull.

Numerous interface/control problems. The interface is clunky..slow to respond ad not very intuitive. The radials are gone so now you have to fumble with shifts, rght clicks, left clicks, and wondering to yourself "Where in the heck is that command" with no help from the tutorial at all. You also can no longer stack dual-wield weapons on your interface. You might as well not dual-wield...at all..you will hate yourself if you do because you will be opening your inventory every 5 seconds to manually switch between your ranged weapons and you melee. /barf

I really can't go here at all. This game is very broken in it's current state. Maybe in a year or so, after a ton of patches this would be work a second look...if they ever get the patches right in the first place.

I'm giving it a high tilt to be honest because I so wanted it to be good..but it wasn't.