Clearly an Adventure Game Aimed at a Younger Audience

User Rating: 2.7 | Neopets: The Darkest Faerie PS2
Well, how do I start? I guess it's cool that they've made a Neopets game. I played through a little 'bit. Seriously has some issues, but has its stronger sides. But for real, who has heard of Idol Minds? I sure haven't.

Anyway, the gameplay is a little iffy. For example, the movement is sluggish, the combos look pretty bad when done at a fast pace (which, I'm guessing, is the way a combo should be). Idol Minds didn't really pay attention to how the character moves, attacks, etc. Overall, it isn't too good, definatley not the best for an adventure game.

The graphics are definatley budget title. The character (the main character) has recieved the most thought and design graphically, but IM seems to have forgotten that the enviroment needs to look good too. The enviroment can be looked at like this: picture any orginal Spyro game for PS1, make the graphics a little better, and you've got the basic enviroment for NP:TDF. Not very promising.

The grass moves a little when you slice at it, pots break identically to Spyro, and walls smash with a little effect. This game, to me, is Spyro without Spyro.

The sound isn't very good at all. Picture two Neopets talking to each other like this:

Neopet 1: "Ugh"
Neopet 2: "Ugh urk"

This goes on when characters talk to each other in-game. I am beginning to think that they didn't have the talent or time to put in decent voice acting. Not a good sign.

There are also little creatures that you can follow you called "PetPets". How original. All they do is follow you around and constantly drop health until you feed them. They'll die in at least 5-6 minutes if not fed fruit you find everywhere. So if you forget to feed it, it dies. End of story. They don't help and are actually more of an annoyance than an enjoyment. You'll find yourself running around, constantly hunting for fruit and dropping it down on the ground so your PetPet can eat it while it stands 10 feet away from it. How enjoyable.

Overall, this game is very bad if you are over the age of 10 and don't believe in magic. Speaking of magic, there is magic in this game, which is fun to use on occasion, but not a big reward once used. You go around finding different forms of magic (fire, water, etc.) and use it on enemies that aren't worth the trouble.

Good things... Good things... Oh, it some of those flying books from Harry Potter! Yeah, that's it. Not many good points. It's a nice look at the pretty, harmless world that we all want to live in. It's a break from all the FPS war games, blood and gore games, etc. In other words, it's "cutsie-wootsie-ootsie-bootsie".

Are you over the age of 10? Yes? Then don't buy this game unless you are desperate for a new game and have nothing else to buy. Buy it if someone has a gun to your head. Buy it for your 8 year old gaming virgin cousin. But not for yourslef, you'll just look silly.
