Ambitious, yet not for experienced RPG'ers.

User Rating: 6.8 | Neopets: The Darkest Faerie PS2
I bought this game because my room mate is into Neopets. He got me into it for a short time, yet the games on the site lack the excitement for me to continue supporting my neopets (I've had two die).

I was impressed with the graphics and the movies, but once I started playing I noticed bug after bug, and got quite annoyed with the fighting movements. The graphics get in the way of the movements, and you often end up going in a direction that is different than what you intended. I also noticed how easy it is to keep a good supply of neopoints by "mowing" the grass, as I call it, which is nothing more than cutting away the tall blades of grass the grow in the neopian worlds.

This game will annoy and probably enrage some experienced RPG players, but keep in mind that this game is for pre-teen players, and in no way intended to be played by people of Final Fantasy or World of Warcraft players. If this is your first RPG, it might be a good one to learn on.

If you have the patience (or the children) to play this game, then go for it. Otherwise, I'd either rent it or avoid it altogether.