Not a bad little game despite its kiddy appearance its pretty fun. Its a rental not a keeper, lacks replay value.

User Rating: 6.3 | Neopets: The Darkest Faerie PS2
Overall I liked this game as it grows on you after a bit. The grahpics are solid and the storyline holds up pretty well.

Also its advertised that you can play two characters, you can but the second character is not available until about the half point of the game. Later you can switch between the two but you cant have both on the screen at the same time unless its a cut scene. : )

The game can get buggy sometimes on quests forcing you to revert to a previous save it you catch it in time. Also you have to watch out about object collision meanging you can get stuck or the boss monsters can step into an out of range place and presto! You have not now reload as there is no way to continue.

Also this game uses the all must march forward format. So if you miss something in a previous act then you cant go back later to revisit it. For example if you missed finding widget X for someone that will give you a nifty item, sorry no go backs.

Also the interface is a little tricky at times. An example is the note that pops up about how to use the heroes cloak. If you accidentally mash a button and miss it then later you will be scratching your head on how to get to the next part of the quest. If you check your inventory the half covered icon of the cloak is under your regular armor with the square symbol beside it - that is your clue on how to change to the cloak.

Also it as a bit of platform gaming in there as well so the hops and jumps are in there but the good news if you dislike that, its not too strong of an element in the game.

Only other thing I could add was that the game gets a bit tiresome with the Ok you now go over here but wait! You must do 10 things before we let you pass to the next step. Finally you get it done but wait! You need to go over to here before we can allow you to proceed. etc.

I know that is common in this style of action RPG but still it could have felt smoother and felt part of the story line vs some way to stretch out game play time.