Need for Speed: Shift, quite frankly, is one of the worst racers to grace the seventh-generation consoles.

User Rating: 4 | Need for Speed Shift AND

*Please note: this review is towards the Xbox 360 version. Apparently, there is no version - which is complete bullshit.

Need for Speed: Shift tries so hard at attempting to provide a realistic, and entertaining, racer. Unfortunately, in the end, it pulls off being one of the most retarded racers you'll ever get your hands on.

Need for Speed: Shift gets old really quick. You have your typical thrown-together career mode where you build up stars to progress further into your career. It's fun for about an hour - then it transforms into nothing more than a pure grind-fest after-wards.

Play, get star, move on. Play, get star, move on. Play, get star, move on. Play, get star, move on. Play, get star, move on.

Need for Speed: Shift provides 'all flash, no substance'
Need for Speed: Shift provides 'all flash, no substance'

You'll race against others, fight against the clock, fight for survival, and drift for points. There may be a couple of other modes that I've missed but they're all not really new. 'been there, done that' is written all over this game. That's partially why it's so awful. There is no real reason to keep playing unless you like generic (or vanilla) arcade racers.

I couldn't even finish this game due to a heavy combination of frustration and boredom. I'm not willing to invest the heavy amount of hours this game is asking for. Seriously, unless you think like a perfectionist and want to collect hundreds of stars then by all means go for it.

One thing, however, worth mentioning is the graphics. The environmental design, vehicle model, and visual quality all make up for a pretty believable race. It's unfortunate the game-play doesn't equal up to the visual standard. Otherwise, we could be talking about this game in a whole different context.

I wish you good luck, though, trying to keep your vehicle on the road. Your character seems to suffer from full-body tourettes syndrome. Every minute of the way you go forward it's a constant struggle to keep your car on the road - even when your going at a slow rate (30 miles an hour). This is the primary reason why you shouldn't pick up this game for any price. The camera and controls are downright abysmal and make for a horrifying experience.

If you're willing to have tourettes syndrome with others, then by all means try out the multiplayer mode where everyone is bumping into each other like bumper cars. Seriously, I see what EA has tried to do but in the end have failed to deliver it. They tried to create a realistic, but entertaining, arcade racer - it's just unfortunate that it suffers from its own doings.

Must keep car to the left...NO, TO THE RIGHT!

Can you see anything? Your poor character can neither drive nor see.
Can you see anything? Your poor character can neither drive nor see.

Also, I must ask what it with the obsession of cut-out cutscenes? Each time you go up a tier, you're treated to a brief cutscene that is filled to the brim with cut-outs. It's annoying, un-necessary, and silly.

Customization options and the car roster are both extremely limited and hamper the experience of your potential enjoyment. I'd say there are about fifty cars, in general, to choose from and most of them don't meet my high standards. It's absolutely ludicrous why Electronic Arts wouldn't focus more on controls, roster, and customization then its career mode. For the devil's sake, it's not even good! Need for Speed: Underground, however, is an example of a racing game that excels on almost everything it touches.

In the end, Need for Speed: Shift didn't deliver the adrenaline and thrills that I was expecting to enjoy when picking this game up. It sacrificed everything that made the series once unbeatable and turned it into nothing more than a cheap cash-in on newcomers. That said, if you're just joining the video game industry now - you'll absolutely love this game. If you're an old-school die-hard gamer that wants re-incarnations of the past: avoid this like the plague.


Need for Speed: Underground

Forza Motorsport