Concept - Make another Burnout game, throw some cops in and call it Need For Speed... Result - A disappointing g

User Rating: 5 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted X360
Concept - Make another Burnout game, throw some cops in and call it Need For Speed...
Result - A disappointing game.
I had high hopes for this game having thoroughly enjoyed Criterion's NFS Hot Pursuit. The major flaw in my opinion is the driving mostly takes place in city street not open roads, you end up having to constantly check the mini map to see where you have to turn.
Driving between races becomes boring pretty quickly as well. When you start a race you are shown some of the most ridiculous and obscure cut scenes, i don't know what they were thinking here. As for the online play it has nothing on Hot Pursuit, its pretty much a demo derby with sports cars. You cant play as the cops either which is very disappointing. One redeeming point is they have made the cars a little easier to control compared to Hot Pursuit and they have the same kind of drift mechanic. My last rant is about the DLC, you're constantly harassed in the menu screens to buy more cars. This seems to be the norm for EA games lately.