I'm pleased to say that, in my opinion, this game lives up to its ancestors.

User Rating: 9.6 | Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 GC
The Need for Speed series has grown in popularity over the past few years and has produced some of the greatest titles in racing video games. I'm pleased to say that, in my opinion, this game lives up to its ancestors.

To start off, let me say that this game has FANTASTIC gameplay. It can keep almost anybody that likes any kind of racing games at all immersed for hours on end. The only drawback is that some of the levels can be frustrating and feel like more of a relief than an accomplishment when they are finally passed. This only occurs in the higher levels; however, so it doesn't have that much effect overall on the gameplay quality. The game has a great selection of cars to keep anybody that plays it busy "test-driving" all day long. Alongside this, there is a wide variety of courses to do this on.

The graphics are a major drawback for this game. The cars, particularly well-known models of exotic cars, is one of the few good points in the game's graphics. Some of the lower power cars could still use some work though. The background scenery on the game's courses looks very cheap in most places and really takes away from the "stunning views" that could otherwise be seen in the game. Other aspects of the scenery look somewhat decent, but for the most part, could use a lot of work.

The sounds in this game are wonderful. The music, if you're into rap, is sure to get you pumped up for the racing. If you don't like the music, then you have the option to turn it off through the game's settings screen. The engine sounds are very realistic and the police sound like real people and for the most part don't sound like they are repeating themselves.

When you buy this game, probably off of the bargain shelf at Wal-Mart, you are getting your money's worth and then some. If you are looking for a good deal on a game: this is it.

Overall, this game is definitely worth playing. If you like racing games with police chases at all, you'll enjoy playing it. Don't hesitate to buy it if you're looking for a game to play and have the money to spare!