User Rating: 9 | NCAA Football 08 X360
I have to say that I am quite impressed with NCAA Football so far. There are many different features that I have come to like that are on NCAA and not Madden. The campus legend mode has far exceeded my expectations by being able create and customize your legend player, playing through your high school playoffs, selecting with college team you would like to play for, and becoming a campus legend.

When you create your legend you will find that many customization options are vital to your players success both in high school and college. When you create you player you will want to put him in a state that is known for football because more scouts will go to watch. For example if you put your legend in Alaska you might get only a few top ranked teams. If you put you legend in Georgia or California you will get a majority of top ranked scouts watching your games.

How you preform in the playoffs will either make or brake you. Once you finish your high school career you will have the option to select which college you want to go to. You may want to go to USC who is ranked #1 and be 5th string, or you may want to go to a lower ranked team or even a unranked team to be 1st string.

Once you pick your college your typical day consists of three tasks: class, practice, and night events. When you start your day it automatically simulates your class. If you are a starter you don't need to attend practice but if your a backup you might want to go to practice to gain point so you can eventually become 1st string. The night events can be a big help when Sunday rolls around. When you enter your night event it will have a scenario and you will be able to pick from two options. Each option you pick will have a different outcome.

After you finish your senior year of college you can choose to go pro and upload your campus legend to Madden 08 to enter the rookie draft. From here on you play in Madden Superstar mode which is identical to campus legend.

Overall I would have to rate this game a 9.0 for ground breaking graphics/game-play, smooth online play, and the new and improved campus legend mode.
