Online only redeeming feature of this game.

User Rating: 4 | NCAA Football 08 PS2
Recently I had a friend give me a PS2 network adapter. My PS2 has been collecting dust while I wait for my tax return when I will purchase a HDTV and a next-gen console. I have been a fan of the Sega 2Kx series since the DreramCast. Well I set up the network and tried to play 2K5 on my PS2 but I guess the servers have been shut down. So I figured I could play Madden 2008 untill I had the money for my next upgrade. However Best Buy did not have Madden 2008 so I picked up NCAA 2008.

I cannot believe how inferior this game is graphically to the 2K5 game for the PS2. In fact it is inferior to the dreamcast version. While the online features of this game makes it playable. One of the best things of the 2K5 game are the fact that you feel you are playing and seeing a true NFL experience the NCAA 2008 game seems like the players are set against a static blue screen. The stadiums and and sidelines are terrible and it takes away from the gaming experience. I am very dissapointed with this game. Guess I will have to wait untill I can purchase the next gen version of football.

PS. I have just started a new season on NFL 2K5. Much more fun even without online play.