What is EA doing? Once again an NCAA game with more flaws then the previous one.

User Rating: 7 | NCAA Football 08 PS3
I initially got into the NCAA series because I enjoy the college game and because I felt it controlled better then Madden. It's been a pretty good series for the most part ( I own the last 4) but I've noticed there continues to be more and more problems. Firstly from a graphics perspective, I don't understand why NCAA needs to lag behind Madden and I'm a little disappointed in light of shelling out all the money for a next gen system and then getting a game the looks far too similar to last gen. The game also seems a bit rushed as at the beginning instead of getting the cool videos from different school from around the country you get a generic tutorial to begin the game. I'm sure many people don't care much for the videos but to me it just makes it more evident the game was rushed.

These things I can get over however the gameplay problems is a pill much more difficult to swallow. Firstly, as mentioned, the frequency of fumbles is absolutely absurd. I played a game with Mike Hart ( Michigan's running back who's fumbled the ball once in his 4 year career) and he fumbled twice despite me covering the ball upon contact every time. Additionally if I get an interception on defense I'm guaranteed to fumble the ball 50% of the time that I get tackled. There are also far to many times that there are multiple turnovers within one play. I've also faced a problem where the opposing team has a player that stands parallel to the ground and walks into the sky until he makes an invisible tackle when I'm in the area with a ballcarrier. The controls are also sometimes very unresponsive as I'll have an open receiver and be jamming the passing icon for several seconds only to get sacked ( and no I'm not hitting the wrong button). The game still manages to be pretty entertaining but I feel that's much more the result of my enjoyment of the series rather then this iteration. I'm hoping that for next year EA will take the time and we'll get the next gen college football experience we deserve but until I've got to play the only on available on PS3.