Still fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | NCAA Football 08 PS3
Perhaps I am not the connoisseur of football games that other gamers are but I do thoroughly enjoy the sport, especially the college rendition. Two friends of mine recently played my copy and they initially complained of two things. First was the controls. Why would you change controls from the PS2 version to the PS3 version? It does not seem to make sense. Its not like the controllers are different really. The nice thing is that the controllers are fully customizable, so after a few minutes you can set it up like the PS2 version. The second issue was the gameplay speed. I don't notice this while I play, but perhaps its because I have played the game and have become acclimated to it. The complaint was that the game played slower than past editions and after playing the ps2 game I agreed. However, I think this is for the best as it gives the game a more strategic feel and less of an arcadey one. I think it makes the game speed feel more natural, especially for the college game. Although the game is clearly slower paced it does not seem to detract from the enjoyment value of the game. After two to three minutes of whining my friends really got into the game. I think the biggest hurdle here is not quality but the fact it is slightly different from previous games.
One issue that is my own is the online arena. When I play it seems like the game plays at one speed and my controller at a slower one. Every button press has to be slightly faster than normal for it to register on time on the field. Perhaps this is a singular experience but I don't believe it is. The game can still be enjoyable in that manner but it seriously detracts from the fun. On the positive side this game has some nice features. For one it looks really nice. It is a clear step ahead of the PS2, and other last gen, versions. The players look good, the fans look good, the stadiums look good, and so does the weather. I really like the stadium haze they have implemented when there is a pulled back view. The new legends mode is neat in that once you pick a position that is the only position you will play. The game moves on around you and you have to make a difference from your spot. It is nice to have a really different experience from the dynasty mode finally. Honestly in the past the Heisman mode was dynasty mode with fewer management options. This year is different and it gives the game a different feel and replay value. The weather channel addition that allows you to play at the chosen stadiums present conditions is pretty cool. It allows for some great simulations as you wait for your real game of choice to happen on Saturday. No doubt there are other nice features that I am missing here.
In the end, this is a fun game that actually tries to be different from past versions, and for the most part it succeeds.