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User Rating: 7 | NBA Live 09 X360
I dont want this to sound like alot of the other reviews. I'm not into the Comparison, true gamers know what each franchise EA and 2k have been bringing to the table for years. I say im a old school gamer, if EA is better than 2K im on it and vice versa we dont get paid to endorse these games. I think the updates to this year are better. Things like animations and the ball actually following the players actions like a dribble move are on point. I still thing Live is more of an arcade thats all. The graphics are great. But Im from the old school when its all said and done and you take away ALL THE INTERNET FUNCTIONS(Some people dont know what its like to play live 97 on a Sega Genisis lol) It comes down to the simple game play. Graphics are important but this is a sport game and really how often do you pay attention to graphics when it comes down to playing the game of basketball, maybe when the action is slow on a free throw or a close up but this is not Rainbow Six ya know. Im not bashing the game but the developers of both LIve and 2K need to remember that it goes back to the gamers needs. I want the game to be real i.e. shots, free throws, not sliding not frame lagging. Its 2008 and we should be able to get this right. Gamers are paying $60 dollars for a video game now come on. I wish there was a better way to pressure the developers. I personally have 2k But i played LIVE 08. Im just tired of spending $60 dollars on a game when the little things that count are smoothed out. They have access to ever NBA player that wants to be really part of the game, get the movements and animations right. But I would really like to see more LIVE reviews where are the EA gamers at, 2K has almost 500 reviews. Dont worry about saying if the game is flawed because some idot wants to bash the LIVE series the people that make these games review our input ya know. Keep Balling.

Keep Gaming.