Awkward and just plain clunky

User Rating: 6 | NBA Live 08 X360
I have bought new NBA games every year and this is one of the worse I have played in a long time. There are just so many things about this game that is irritating and take away from the enjoyment of it. Here is a few of the problems:

1. You miss shots right under the basket way to often

2. Players that are driving to the basket and get fouled almost always get the basket too.

3. No save feature, why why why would they not include a save feature. I don't always want to complete a game in one sitting.

4. Too many times you shoot behind the backboard or hit the side of it.

5. Your own team mates move out of the way so your opponent can drive to the basket, I 've seen it happen. I am like, Where are you going????

6. The last game I played the player indicator stopped working, I couldn't tell which player I was controlling and almost lost the game because of it.

Overall this game is just playing irritating to use and I don't buy games to be irritated. I will be trading in today, this game for NBA 2K8.