noooo! i just wasted $60

User Rating: 6.5 | NBA Live 08 X360
this game starts out good the first couple of days you play it but after that it is just a arcade game. this game has great graphics but it will leave you with an empty feeling in your chest. this game is toooooooooo easy. and toooooooooo
un realistic : cpu players will make shots even though being double and triple teamed. the cpu point guard will always drop anywhere from 18-35 points a nignt on you no matter how good your defense is. there is no player custimization option such as headbands or sleeves. unless you create a new player. i have been playing live since 2003. but lately it gets annoying beating the cpu day in and day out.

EA claims that they got rid of the freestyle superstars, but it is nothing but capital BS ( if u catch my drift). I am probably going to get nba2k9 unless ea makes some major changes.

Graphics: 9.0

Gameplay: 7.0

Presentation: 7.0

Realism: 5.0

this has been a review by the King