Why does EA hate Nintendo so much?

User Rating: 1 | NBA Live 08 WII
It is obvious from the latest NBA live game that EA hates Nintendo. The game takes so many steps back it seems that your farther back than where you began. Many of the features that make NBA live games so great are missing form this game. There isn't a dynasty mode, you can't create a player, the A.I ignores you roster adjusements in simulation, and that's just the beginning. I feel really bad for anyone who bought this game. EA has a lot to answer for when they make NBA live 09 or else they shouldn't make it for the Wii. If you wan this game and you have a Wii I recommend you by a Xbox or a PS3 and get their version of the game. I understand that the Wii is completely different from other systems but that is no excuse for making such a terrible game. EA needs to get on the ball and understand that even the Wii has hardcore gamers who happen to sports fans. Next time they make any sports for the Wii hopefully it won't be a watered down version of it.