The NBA Live 08 is a great combination of the previous NBA games it has its bad points and it's good, Get it!!!

User Rating: 9 | NBA Live 08 PS2
The NBA Live 08 is a great combination of the previous games in the series it contains single player, multiplayer, all the modes from the previous games and a brand new mode called Dynasty mode, the ultimate in basketball experience.

The Good

In Dynasty mode you take control of everything from players to staff management. At the begining of a Dynasty you are given the option to use a pre-made team or create your own. Creating your own team allows you to choose the best players in the world and combine them to create the greatest team ever.

You will then be asked to choose staff training techniques and play your way through matches to get to the top of the league. You can trade players and play matches or let fate decide the matches.

The Bad

The game doesn't have much to offer when it comes to creating your own players as there aren't many different options for customisation.

In all this is a great game and I would highly recommend buying it.

8 out of 10