Great game, but i bet gamespot will not try to give it a high score at all. They are so busy with helo and 2k8.

User Rating: 10 | NBA Live 08 X360
This game has a lot of new features that makes it stand out. Also I played NBA 2k8 and I cannot get the basketball feel of that game. EA knows how to make sports games and keep it fun, even when they are doing a bad job. NBA live 08 is what I would play with my friends and 2K8 does not give me a good taste at all. The graphics, the performance, the new features such as FIBA, The control scheme, and the Practice before the game starts is great. I love this game. I see a lot of games being reviewed and overrated too. 2k8 is rated high because people like to see the big does go down. People at game spot love to down play games like this because they do not play anything else but Nerdy worthless overrated crap. I love to look at this site everyday and see games like helo get 9.5 rating when its no better than last year, but madden get a bad rating because it is no better than last year. They are both the same thing, but the gamesport crew and fans like games like that and will never try to open up and see what other people are interested in.