Confusing Game to Play

User Rating: 7 | NBA Live 08 PSP
I thought the game's Crown Mode was very very confusing. The players that are normally very good in real life were bad on this game. The graphics were also disappointing. I did like the playing modes and especially the franchise mode. The controls might take a little while to get used to, but they can be changed.
You will find fantasy drafts very long and difficult, but I still can't figure them out. Sometimes the game will have times where it takes forever to load, but it forces you to wait it out. I would stick to my rating.
Hard to describe. I did enjoy the Roster mode. I am a fan of changing my rosters, so I found this setting very easy to utilize. I only wish the players who are normally good aren't considered bad in NBA Live '09. Overall I think my rating for the game says it all. .