A solid basketball game with nice graphics and excellent commentary, but the controls are clunky and AI looks choppy.

User Rating: 7.5 | NBA Live 08 PC
My first impression of NBA 08 wasn't very good, but after playing the game for a while It turned out to be quite enjoyable. The menus are a little confusing, and some options only work with the keyboard while others you have to click with the mouse. I didn't like the fact that they disabled scrolling with the arrow keys. Mostly all EA SPORTS games work like this but NBA 08 doesn't.

The graphics aren't spectacular, but still good non the less altough the animations of the AI can be choppy at times. Other animations though, such as slam-dunking look great.

Controlling your player while on defence is hard! You have to run around with the arrows while trying to stop the offensive player from simply passing around you and I STILL haven't figured out how to steal a ball from an attacking player.

NBA 08's commentary is excellent and feels like you're watching the NBA on TV. Nice crowed chants and a general good impression.

NBA 08 is a great basketball game for the newcomer to the series. I haven't played any other NBA games in the series, so giving this game a bad score due to the fact that "nothing has changed" would be unfair. To those new to the series, this game is a good buy and will keep you entertained on those rainy days.