Don't even think about getting this disastrous failure of a game Score: 2.4/10

User Rating: 2.5 | NBA Live 08 WII
NBA Live's first appearance on the Wii is a complete and utter disaster. Everything about the game is terrible. The graphics look exactly like NBA Live 2005 for the PS2, except five times as worse. Except it's not 2005, it's 2008!!! Everything from the awful animations to the dreadful presentation is hard to look at because it's just so terrible. And if you think the graphics are terrible, check the gameplay. Wait a second. Did I say gameplay? What I meant was a boring, broken and unresponsive disaster that is nowhere near decent. Despite how you wave the remote, there's about a 90% chance it's going in, even from around half-court. I think it's fun for about a half second before you realize what's wrong with it. The frame rate also takes a beating, and I experienced frequent crashes and bugs. This is a complete failure of a basketball game and shouldn't be on shelves in its current condition.