Pretty fun NBA game...

User Rating: 8.5 | NBA Live 08 X360
I gave this game a 8.5 rating because its just not like NBA 2k8, in most ways to me its a lot better than 2k8. I like the controls, how they have the right thumbstick as the juke out button, instead on 2k8 how they have it as just moving to the right. Some players they worked hard on and just some they didnt put crap into, and some players are just literaly impossible to slow down or even stop like Gilbert Arenas, Kobe Bryant, basicly you can be unstopable with any player, and can easily get 30 to 40 points a game. Sometimes when the person misses and hits the rim and then the floor; the dudes just stare at it and do nothing until ya move them. I love the alle hop Right Bumber; and the fade away's and juke out then shot. The Shots are a lot more cooler than 2k's shots. The franchise is pretty cool and the fantasy basketball is cool too. Overal this is just a fun game than can grow on ya. Its just a plain fun game.