Amazing graphics...worst game play ever

User Rating: 5.8 | NBA Live 07 X360
This game is just the worse NBA game I have played in a long time. By looking at it you can easily say it has the best graphics for any basketball game, but the game play is so bad that it is not worth buying. I bought it for 60 and I was happy to sell it for 40 a week later, it's really that bad. If you have not played the game, and are planning to buy it...DON'T. Rent it first because there are so many flaws in the game such as dunking through the BACK of the BACKBOARD. Also, the players movement is so bad because they walk like robots during timeouts and dead balls. The commentary could also be better because one time I was playing an online game and during a TIMEOUT Marv Albert said "And Shaq goes for the dunk" and it happened more than once. You can do some stupid stuff in there such as through the legs dunk while people are in the lane. The game is just so bad. Another thing that pisses me off is that during timeouts, they are actually 60 seconds long. So when people are playing online they will mess around with you and call timeout and they will wait the whole 60 seconds. Some of the players in the game look buff when they aren't supposed to such as James Jones of the Phoenix Suns. It is so easy to make shots its not even funny. Dwayne Wade will hit anything inside the 3 point line, and James Posey will eat anything outside the 3 point line. I am expecting a BIG improvement from NBA Live 08 if ever want to make money again.