good game with few flaws

User Rating: 8.1 | NBA Live 06 PS2
this game is awesome...after playin this game for the past year, it's still awesome, but the AI in this game really pisses me off. whenever i'm playin i'm yellin at the top of my lungs because teammates just refuse to recieve passes, i get called for stupid fouls, and some things that happen are just plain gay.
whenever i'm playin w/ a's the scenario: i'm inbounding, my guy is on the left side of the court, my friend is nowhere near me, but he still manages to intercept...passes, no different. i can pass the ball w/ no one around the passer or the reciever, and the pass just somehow ends up in the hands of someone on the other team, or passes right by my teammate, out of bounds. another thing that happens often: buzzerbeaters. sometimes, i release the shot w/ 1.5 seconds to go, and after a bit of a wait, the ball ends up goin in. the officials call it WTF MAN!!! and then on the other team, the buzzer goes off, the ball's still in the guy's hand, people are walkin off the floor THEN he shoots and gets it in. gues what IT COUNTS
oh and here's my favourite. i'm running in for a dunk, no one's in front of me, it's a clear breakaway...then when i'm in mid-air underneath the net, someone at the foul line falls over and i get called for an offensive foul. HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET CALLED FOR AN OFFENSIVE FOUL WHEN THE GUY IS 15 FEET BEHIND YOU?!?!?!?!? the thing is, if these things happened once, or once in a while, i can probably laugh it off, but it doesn't happen once in a happens to me multiple times a game, or more precisely, EVERYTIME I HAVE THE FRIGGIN BALL!!!

pisses me off so much, but i love the game though...can't stop playin (i've played so much, i can beat any team with a middle-worse team on superstar difficulty)...(well not any more lately cuz of the gay's only really been acting up the past 2 months or so)
nba live 07 have better fixed these flaws otherwise, i'm givin up on ea sports

anyways, i'm done my rant