What was I thinking of when i bought this game?? Very disappointing game

User Rating: 5.5 | NBA 2K9 PS3
When i played NBA 2K8 at my friends place, i liked it very much. I had always bought the live series games but this year i bought the 2K9. And what a disappointing game after 2K8.
First the good things:
Graphics-- Players look really real and the crowd too. Though all spectators in one section do the same thing. The Commentators do a good job. Online is pretty good as well
Bad: Spectators in real life don't yell 48 minutes "Defense, Defense" or "Let´s go Bobcats". And there isn´t always sell out crowd for example in Memphis. There are still so many missed layups and open shots for the player. You can´t miss an open shot in the paint but in this game you can. But CPU hit´s all the open shots it gets. I mean shaq doesn´t hit three point shots in real life. But in this game he does. There are charging fouls that aren´t charging fouls, blocking fouls that aren´t blocking fouls and goaltendings that aren´t goaltendings. The free throws are still very hard. One of the most frustating things are the friendly Al. If someone from other team is breaking through to the paint friendly Al goes against him and fouls or CPU passes the ball to an open man who hits the shot even if his Shaq. One thing more. For ex sample you have been behind about 20 points and you are making a comeback. You are hitting all the shots you get(what you usually don´t do) and then when the margin is about five points you get blocked or something and the CPU scores on their possesion they go away again. Suddenly they start making all the open shots and don´t commit any turnovers. And you start missing all the open shots you were making before. And there is the stupid bounce passes in the paint. I mean... And the worst thing about the game are the bugs. One game one of my players got hit on the nose. And then camera zoomed on the player and showed him and stayed liked that. Just showed the player. I couldn´t do anythings. All i could do was to sim to the end of the game.
There aren´t many new features and improvements from the last game.
So bottom line after playing NBA Live 09 ---
Live is back and better than 2K9