Gamplay definately beats graphics,even so this game is by far better than live, great game i give it a 9 keep it up 2k!!

User Rating: 9 | NBA 2K9 PS3
Gamplay definately beats graphics, even so this game is by far better than live, great game i give it a 9 keep it up 2k!! First fo all lets get started with the gameplay. 2k sports has added a new application that allows you to se the right analog stick as a shot stick to shoot the ball. This makes gameplay alot more realistic than live, and makes the game feel alot more real. Also its alot more challenging than just hitting the circle button, which sometimes makes live feel more like a game rather than real life, which sort of defeats the whole purpose of advanced or high definition gaming givivg no need for wii ps3 or 360. In that game we might as well be playing super nitendo. But 2k9 has its flass too. Graphics are sometime just horrible when the screen moves in to highlight a player.(especially steve nash) not so great. But as always gamplay beats out graphics and id rather have a really good game with not so good graphics, than a really bad game with the best graphics ive ever seen. So in the end 2k9 has pretty good graphics, but gameplay is absolutely explosive. So I give it a 9.0 straight, nothing more nothing lower. Great game 2k sports, keep up the good work!!!